Age Calculator

An age calculator is a tool that helps you determine your age based on your birthdate and the current date. It's a straightforward calculation that can be done manually or online.

Age Calculator


Age = 0 years

Born on:

Age on:

Exact age in different time units:

  • = 0 years 0 months 0 days
  • = 0 months 0 days
  • = 0 weeks 0 days
  • = 0 days

How to calculate your age?

Here's how to calculate your age:

  1. Find your birthdate: Write down your birthdate in the format of month/day/year (e.g., 02/14/1990).
  2. Find the current date: Write down the current date in the same format (e.g., 08/15/2023).
  3. Calculate the difference: Subtract your birthdate from the current date. You can do this by subtracting the year, month, and day separately.

For example:

Birthdate: 02/14/1990

Current date: 08/15/2025

  1. Year: 2025 - 1990 = 35 years
  2. Month: 08 - 02 = 6 months
  3. Day: 15 - 14 = 1 day

Add up the years, months, and days to get your age:

35 years + 6 months + 1 day = 35 years and 6 months old


How do you calculate age from birthdate in Excel?

In Excel, you can calculate a person's age using the following formula:

  • =DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "Y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "YM") & " Months, " & DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "MD") & " Days"


  • The DATEDIF is the function to calculate the number of years, months or days between two dates.
  • "Y": Full years.
  • "YM": Remaining months after full years.
  • "MD": Remaining days after full months.

For example:

A2 (Birthdate)

B2 (Current date)



Enter the formula:

= DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "Y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "YM") & " Months, " & DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "MD") & " Days"

The formula will return:

34 years 6 months 1 day

You can format the result to display the age in a more readable format, such as "34 years and 6 months old".

Excel Tips

  • Leap Years: Excel accounts for leap years automatically with these formulas.
  • Formatting: For better readability, format results (e.g., "General" for text, "Number" for days).
  • Dynamic Updates: The TODAY() function ensures the age updates automatically as time passes.



How old will I be in 2050?

To calculate your age in 2050, you need to know your current age and the current year. Let's assume you're currently 24 years old (born in 2000).

  1. Calculate the number of years until 2050: 2050 - 2025 = 26 years
  2. Add the number of years to your current age: 24 + 26 = 50

So, in 2050, you will be 50 years old.


How do you calculate the age based on the year of birth?

To calculate the age based on the year of birth, you can use the following formula:

Age = Current Year - Year of Birth

For example:

  • If the current year is 2025 and the person was born in 2004, their age would be: Age = 2025 - 2004 = 21 years old
  • If the current year is 2025 and the person was born in 1991, their age would be: Age = 2025 - 1991 = 34 years old

This formula works because it subtracts the year of birth from the current year to get the number of years since birth.

Note that this formula assumes that the person's birthday has already passed in the current year. If the birthday is still in the current year, you would need to subtract 1 from the result to get the person's age.


How old am I?

If you want to find the current age based on the year of birth, for example if you are born in 1999 how old are you?

Year of birthCurrent age

The table displays your age at the end of the current year, calculated by subtracting your birth year from this year. We recomend to use the age calculator above and enter your exact birth date, for precice calculation.