If you want to know how many days into the year are we, or what day number of the year is it?
Today's date in MM/DD/YYYY format: 03/15/2025
Today's date in DD/MM/YYYY format: 15/03/2025
Today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format: 2025-03-15
Today's date in YYYY-DD-MM format: 2025-15-03
* Explanation: MM (month), DD (day), YYYY (year).
The current Unix epoch time is 1742084446
The current RFC 2822 time is
The current ISO 8601 time is
Today's day number is: 74 out of 365 days in 2025.
How many days have passed this year? 74 days.
How many days are remaining in this year? There are 291 remaining days in 2025.
What day of the week is it? Today is Saturday.
How many days are left in this year? 291 days.
Percentage of the year. 0.20% passed. 79.73% left
Leap year? No
Dailight Savings Time ? Yes
Current week number in ISO 8601 week-numbering system is: 11 out of 52 weeks.
Week starts: Monday, March, 10
Week ends: Sunday, March, 16
Current week number in US standard format is: 11 out of 52 weeks.
Week starts in US: Sunday, March, 9
Week ends in US: Saturday, March, 15
Current month number is: 3 out of 12 months.
Current month name: March
The day number or day of the year (DOY) represent the number of days in the year ranges from 1 to 365 (in 2025), with January 1 being the first day. Today is 74 day of the year. After today, this year will have 291 days remaining.
30 days from today: April 14, 2025
60 days from today: May 14, 2025
90 days from today: June 13, 2025
If you’re a big fan of Excel or Google Sheets and need the current day number for your accounting, planning, or project management, then you can use the following formula:
=TODAY() - DATE(YEAR(TODAY()); 1; 0)
Alternatively, when you need to calculate the number of days between a specific date and today in Excel, then use this formula:
=A1 - DATE(YEAR(A1), 1, 0),Where A1 is the date when you want to start the counting from.