How Many Days Are Left in 2024?

There are 23 remaining days in 2024.

Starting today, Sunday, December 8, 2024, we have 23 days remaining, and we are currently in week number 50 of the year.

How do you calculate how many days are left?

To calculate how many days are left in the current year, you can use the following steps:

1. Get the current date and the current year, month, and day from the date.

For today: Sunday, December 8, 2024.

  • Day of the month: 8
  • Month: 12 out of 12.
  • Year: 2024

2. Determine the total number of days passed in the current year.

To determine the day number or the number of days that have passed since the beginning of the year, you can find the answer by adding the number of days in each preceding month to the number of days in the current month.

Days passed: 343

3. Calculate the number of days in the current year.

If it's a common year, it is 365 days; if it's a leap year, it has 366 days. 

2024 is a Leap year, which means there are 366 days.

Related: How many days in a year?

4. Calculate the difference in days between the current date and the end of the year.

366 - 343 = 23 days

5. The result is the number of days remaining.

23 days left in 2024.

How to calculate the remaining days using Google sheets?

To compute the number of days remaining in the year from the current date, use the following function in a cell:

=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 12, 31) - TODAY()

How To Calculate the Remaining Days In Excel?

To construct a countdown days formula in Excel, first specify the date for which you want to generate the countdown. You also need to use the TODAY function. In the same as in Google Sheets DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 12, 31) will provide the last day of the year. Deducting the future date from today's date yields the remaining days.

=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 12, 31) - TODAY()