If you want to know how many days are since a special day, until Monday, February 10, 2025, use our free calculator:
Determining the number of days since a specific day can be beneficial for a variety of activities in management, project, finances, and logistics. You may wish to know how many days already passed since a certain event, such as the first day of a project, a big launch date, milestone, or the start of a new year.
With this date calculator, you will be able to find out the duration between a specific date and today.
Typical uses of such as counter are:
There are 40 days since January 1, 2025.
How to calculate days since in Excel?
You can also use spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, to determine the number of days that have passed since a specific date.
The DAYS function is a practical and powerful tool in this kind of situation. It accepts start and end dates as inputs and returns the time since the start date in days.
To calculate the number of days since a specific date, enter the following formula into a cell:
DAYS (end_date, start_date).
For example:
This will result in 45 days from March 1, 2025, to April 15, 2025.