Employee Contract & Certificate Expiration Date Tracking Template

The HR department is in charge of a long list of contracts and documents with an expiry date. From hiring contracts to trial periods, NDAs, and software subscriptions, the HR team must keep track of expiration dates and act before it is too late. The good news is that you can create a due date tracker in Excel and check it periodically to see what steps you need to take. As employee contracts are the most sensitive employee documents, we focus on helping you track their expiration dates in Excel.

New! Updated for 2025

You can create your own tracking system by keeping notes on paper, adding dates to your regular calendar, or creating an Excel file. If you want an easier way, download this free employee contract expiration date tracking template right now.

Free Excel template for employee contract renewal

Our contract tracker is a time-saving and easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet. It includes all the information you usually have in an employee database, such as employee name and contact information, position, current manager, department, and office. It also includes information about employees’ contracts, such as hiring date and contract period.

Here’re the most important features of our free contract tracker spreadsheet:

  • Organizes the information in one page to make it easy to use
  • Easy to add or remove employees
  • Contract renewal dates are automatically calculated based on the hiring date and contract period
  • Automatically highlights the contract renewal date cell when the expiry date is overdue
  • Displays the number of remaining days until the expiry date to help you plan your tasks

How to use our free employee contract expiration date tracking template

Tracking employee certificate expiry dates needs to be efficient and help you avoid mistakes. Because the color of the Excel cell changes when a date expires, you can easily see which contract you have to renew. Also, the number of remaining days until the expiry date helps you submit documents before the deadline and be compliant with labor regulations in your country.

As a result, we avoid adding unnecessary information and deliver a neat solution that saves you time and energy. Check out the following steps to configure your contract tracker spreadsheet and start using it. 

  1. Download the free employee contract expiration date tracking template and rename it to match your organization’s standards.
  2. Add employees and their information.
  3. Go to Conditional Formatting, choose Manage Rules... and select This Worksheet from the “Show formatting rules for” list.
  4. Personalize the formatting by updating the formulas with your number of employees, changing fill color, or changing font. 
  5. The employee contract expiration date tracking template automatically highlights overdue contract renewal dates and calculates the number of days to expiry.

Bonus: How do you get a cell in Excel to change color when a date expires?

To avoid mistakes and save time, you want to see an expired date as soon as you open the Excel spreadsheet. So here is what you have to do to make Excel automatically change the color of a cell when a date expires:

  1. Select the cells containing expiry dates
  2. Go to Conditional Formatting and select New Rule…
  3. In the New Formatting Rule dialog:
  • From Select a Rule Type choose the option Format only cells that contain
  • Into Edit the Rule Description section choose Cell value… greater than… =TODAY()
  • Change the formatting as you prefer
  • Click OK and the cell with a date greater than today’s date will be highlighted

That’s it! You have a due date tracker that shows you when a date is overdue. You can use it as it is for contract renewal or customize it for other expiration dates. If you need a more sophisticated solution, choose dedicated HR software such as LeaveBoard. It’s free for up to nine employees, provides a centralized employee database with all the information you need, leave and absence management, customized reports, and more. It synchronizes with Slack and calendars and sends you instant notifications when you need them the most. Try it right now!

Download the contract expiration date tracking template Excel now