When you need to calculate the number of days in some months, then this free calculator is here to help. Alternatively, to convert months to days use this equation number of months multiplied by 30.436875 to get your desired result.
Find below a set of popular conversions from months to days.
Months | Days |
1 | 30 |
2 | 61 |
3 | 91 |
4 | 122 |
5 | 152 |
6 | 183 |
7 | 213 |
8 | 243 |
9 | 274 |
10 | 304 |
11 | 335 |
12 | 365 |
13 | 396 |
14 | 426 |
15 | 457 |
16 | 487 |
17 | 517 |
18 | 548 |
19 | 578 |
20 | 609 |
21 | 639 |
22 | 670 |
23 | 700 |
24 | 730 |
25 | 761 |
26 | 791 |
27 | 822 |
28 | 852 |
29 | 883 |
30 | 913 |
31 | 944 |
32 | 974 |
33 | 1004 |
34 | 1035 |
35 | 1065 |
36 | 1096 |
37 | 1126 |
38 | 1157 |
39 | 1187 |
40 | 1217 |
How to convert months to days?
By multiplying the number of months by 30.436875, we get the number of days in a specific number of months.
Days = Months × 30.436875
Example 3 months in days
3 x 30.436875 = 91.310625 or 91.31 days.
How many days in a month?
Each 12 months of a year has 30 or 31 days, except February. The second month of the year typically lasts 28 days, but 29 in leap years. Find more answers here.
What is the average number of days in a year?
In the Gregorian calendar, there are 365.2425 days1. Assuming you consider the standard, leap, and non-leap years.
A month is 1/12th of a year.
So 365.2425/12 = 30.436875 days in a month.
What is a month?
A month is a unit of time representing the approximate length of time required by the Moon to revolve once around the Earth. There are 12 months in a year. A month is also approximately four weeks. Months can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days long. Learn more.
What is a day?
A day is a unit of time it takes for Earth to rotate on its axis with respect to the Sun. A day is also 24 hours, from midnight to midnight.
Related conversion: Hours to minutes.