New Zealand Time Now

What is the New Zealand time now?

7:18:15 PM

The time zone for the capital Wellington is used above.

There are two timezones in the main country of New Zealand

OffsetTime ZoneExample CityCurrent Time
UTC +13:00New Zealand Daylight TimeAuckland7:18:15 PM
UTC +13:45CHASTChatham Islands8:03:15 PM
AbbreviationTimezone name
NZSTNew Zealand Standard Time
NZDTNew Zealand Daylight Time
CHASTChatham Island Standard Time
CHADTChatham Island Daylight Time

Daylight Saving in New Zealand

In the summer, Daylight Saving Time begins on the last Sunday in September when clocks are set one hour forward to GMT+13. Daylight Savings ends on the first Sunday of the following April, when clocks are changed back to GMT+12.

The IANA time zone identifier for Wellington is Pacific/Auckland.

Related: European Timezones and world timezones.
