If you want to know is the current week number are we, find the answer below.
The week number in ISO 8601 week-numbering system is:
11 out of 52 weeks.
Week starts: Monday, March, 10
Week ends: Sunday, March, 16
Monday is the first day of the week for more than 3 billion people from including from UK, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, EU, China, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Congo, Kenya, or Uganda.
Current week number in US standard format is:
11 out of 52 weeks.
Week starts in US: Sunday, March, 9
Week ends in US: Saturday, March, 15
Sunday is the first day of the week for approximately half of the world. In the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and New Zealand the first day of the week is Sunday on their calendars.
There are 41 weeks left and we are currently in week 11 of 2025.
We provide the most common calculations of weeks from today, Saturday, March 15, 2025:
6 weeks from today: Sat, April 26, 2025
8 weeks from today: Sat, May 10, 2025
10 weeks from today: Sat, May 24, 2025
12 weeks from today: Sat, June 7, 2025.
Useful: Weeks calculator
March 2025 has 0 work days.
You might work with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets consistently for your projects or to determine the pay dates for your employees. If this is the case, then the WeekNum and ISOWeekNum functions to determine the current week number.
- WeekNum uses the week containing January 1 as the first week of the year. The outcome ranges from 1 to 54.
- ISOWeekNum uses the week containing the first Thursday of the year as the first week of the year. This adheres to the week numbering system defined by ISO 8601 for dates and times. The ISOWEEKNUM function provides only week numbers from 1 to 52.
So the formula to get the current week number in Excel is =WEEKNUM(TODAY()) or = ISOWEEKNUM(TODAY()) for the ISO number.
Related: How many weeks in a year?
Free weekly planner printable PDF.
We list all the weeknumbers for 2025.
All weeks in the table below are starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday following the US standard.
Current week is 11.
Week Number | Week Number Start Date | Week Number End Date |