Are you looking to calculate the date difference between two important days? No worries. Simply input your start date and end date (the date range) into the form below, then click calculate duration and voila! The number of days will be calculated for you instantly.
It sounds like an easy question, and it is, if you have to calculate the number of days over a short period of time, let's say 3-4 week or 2 months. Yet as the period gets longer , let's say few years, months and days, it get's a bit more complicated (age of someone or anniversary date). Since we want answers instantly, tools to get days between two dates, are very helpful.
This handy tool to calculate the days between dates quickly. Some aditional uses of this date calculator are:
Note: the dates you enter must be in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY.
How many days are there between two dates?
When you don’t have access to the Internet to use such calculators, you can get your answer with a bit of math.
For example, let’s find the number of days between Independence Day (July 4) and Christmas (December 25).
So, to calculate the days between, we just sum up the number of days in a month.
We know that there are 30 days in September and November and 31 days in July, August, October, and December.
Tip: to remember the number of days in a month we use the following mnemonic:
"Thirty days have September, April, June, and November. February has 28 alone (or 29 in a leap year), And all the rest have 31."
If the month has already started or is ending earlier than the end of the month, then we subtract the additional days. For example, in July, we will subtract 4 days and December 7 days, as December has 31 days.
This means that from July 4 to December 25, we have:
(July-4) + August + September + October + November + (December – 7)
(31-4) + 31 + 30+31 + 30 + (31 – 7) =
27 + (31 x 2) + (30 x 2) + 25 =
27 + 62+ 60 + 26 = 52 +122 =
174 days
This result the number of days between July 4 and December 25 is 174 days.
How to identify the number of days difference between two dates in the same month?
To identify the number of days between 2 dates of the same month is even easier:
For example, to calculate the days difference from December 7 to December 25, we need to do a simple calculation
Number of days in between = end date (December 25) – the start date (December 7)
Days in between = 25-7=18
Result = 18 days in between.
Tip: If we want to include the last day then we add a + 1 to the result.
How many days between dates calculation?
To calculate the days between dates using Excel, you can find the answer using the following formula:
Days between dates = Newer date Older date
For example, in Cell A2, we insert the older date; in Cell B2, we add the new date; and in C2, we have the formula = new date - old date, and when we click enter, we get the desired result.