How Many Days Are in a Year?

A common year has 365 days. However, a leap year occurs approximately every four years, adding an extra day, totaling 366 days. The additional day is added to the month of February.

In 2025 there are 365 days.

How many months are there in a year?

There are 12 months in a year. Each month has a varying number of days.

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December.

How many days are in each month?

Each year is divided into twelve months, each with 28 to 31 days. The chart below lists the months that make up a year, as well as the number of days in each.

The number of days in each month is as follows:

Name of the Month

Number of Days




28 (29 in a Leap Year)





















It's important to note that the second month of the year, February, is the only month with either 28 or 29 days, depending on whether it is a leap year. The other months have a consistent number of days each year.

By summing the number of days per month, we find the answer to how many days in 12 months, that is 365 days in common years and 366 days in any leap year.

How many days in a leap year?

A leap year has 366 days.

What is the difference between common years and leap years?

The difference between common and leap years lies in the number of days. Common years have 365 days, while leap years have 366 days. Leap years are observed every four years to accommodate for the tiny difference between the calendar year (365 days) and the time required for the Earth to orbit the sun (approximately 365.25 days).

In there are 365 days in 2025.


What is a day?

A day is a unit of time representing the time it takes for the Earth to complete one rotation on its axis. It is split into 24 hours, with each hour lasting 60 minutes, which then split into 60 seconds.

Example: How many days is 72 hours?
72/24 hours per day= 3 days.

If you have other questions related to the conversion of hours to days, use our calculator.


How to identify a leap year?

To identify a leap year, there are a few rules to follow:

  • A year that is evenly divisible by 4 is a leap year.
  • However, if a year is divisible by 100, it is only a leap year if it is also divisible by 400.
  • Consider, for example, that the year 2000 was a leap year since it is divided by 4 and 400. However, the year 1900 does not follow the rule of being divisible by 100 but not by 400.

Is 2025 a leap year? No.

What is a leap day?

A leap day is an additional day added to the calendar during a leap year. It falls on February 29th and helps synchronize the calendar year with the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

How many days in a work year?

In 2025, there are 261 working days. Learn more details.

How many days in a year without weekends and holidays?

In 2025, there are 250 days without weekends and holidays. Explanation: 365 calendar days - 104 weekend days - 11 holidays = 250 days.

Learn more on weekends and working days in a year.

How many working days are left in 2025?

How many weeks in 2025?

In the year 2025, there are 52 weeks. Learn more.

How many days in the year 2025?

The year 2026 has 365 days in total.


How many days without weekends?

To calculate the number of days without weekends in a year, subtract the number of weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from the total number of days in the year. In 2025, assuming weekends are not counted, there are 262 days without weekends.

Calculation: 365 calendar days in a leap year - 104 weekend days = 261 weekdays. More about how many week days in a year.


How many weeks in a year?

There are 52 weeks in a year, regardless of whether it is a common or leap year.  Learn more.

How many hours in a year?

There are 24 hours a day. To calculate the number of hours in a year, multiply the number of hours in a day (24) by the total number of days in the year. For example, in a common year with 365 days, there would be 24 * 365 = 8,760 hours, while in a leap year, there would be 24 * 366 = 8,784 in total.

For a more detailed answer that takes in consideration common, mean and leap years, check this detailed post on how many hours in a year.


How many days is 3 years?

Within 3 years, the number of days can be 1095 or 1096 or, depending if there are 3 common years or 2 common years and 1 leap year in between. 3 common years means 1095 days (the result of 3 years x 365 days). 2 common years and 1 leap year means (2 x 365 days + 1 x 366 days = 730 + 366 = 1096 days).


How many days is 4 years?

Within any 4 years, we have 3 common years and 1 leap year. Since a common year has 365 days, then in 3 common years we have 1095 days (the result of 3 years x 365 days), an a leap year has 366 days, then 1095 + 366 = 1461 days. Therefore, in 4 years we have 1461 days.


How many days in 6 months?

In 6 months we have 183 days. Explanation: 1 month is equal to 30.44 days, 6 months x 30.44 days = 182.62 days, rounded to 183 days.

Related: Months to days.



How many years is a decade?

In a decade we have 10 years. A period of ten years, like 2015 to 2025 is called a decade.


How many years is a century?

In a century we have 100 years. A period of one hundred years, like 1900 to 2000 is called a century.


How many days in 2025 so far?

If you need to know what is today's day, we have the details with how many days have there been into the year or how many days are we into 2025 so far.

Find several additional details about the current day number.

How many days are left in the year?

See the answer below if you're looking for a counter with how many days remain in 2025.

How many days left until Christmas?
0 days

Key stats about days in a year:

  • 2025 is a common year with 365 days long.
  • A year is 365 days long, with 366 days in a leap year.
  • There are twelve months in the year.
  • Each month contains between 28 and 31 days.
  • A day has 24 hours.
  • A year contains 52 weeks.