How Many Weeks Are in a Month?

Every month has at least four complete weeks plus one, two, or three days extra.

To calculate the number of weeks in a month, first count the number of days in the month and then divide by 7. Let us now look at the table below, which displays the precise number of weeks and days in each month of the year.

For example April has 30 days. If we divide 30 days by 7 days per week we get 4.2857 weeks or 4 weeks + 2 days.

On average, 1 month = 4 weeks and 2 days.

An alternative way of expressing the number of weeks in 1 month = 4 ⅓ weeks.

How to calculate the weeks in a month?

Each year has twelve months. And each month has a particular number of days. To calculate the number of weeks in a month, first count the number of days in the month and then divide by 7 (as each week has seven days).

You will find out that every month has at least four complete weeks plus one, two, or three days extra.

  • Months with 31 days like January, March, and May:
    (31 days) / (7 days/week) = 4.4286 weeks = 4 weeks + 3 days.
  • Months with 30 days like April, June, and September
    (30 days) / (7 days/week) = 4.2857 weeks = 4 weeks + 2 days
  • Months with 28 days, like February on common years
    (28 days) / (7 days/week) = 4 weeks
  • Months with 29 days, like February on leap years
    (29 days) / (7 days/week) = 4.1429 weeks = 4 weeks + 1 day

Weeks in a month table

The table shows the amount of weeks in each month of the year. For each row, we display the month and the precise number of weeks and days. The weeks in a month chart helps us schedule events more effectively.





31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days


·       28 Days in a non-leap year

·       29 Days in a leap year

4 weeks

4 weeks & 1 day


31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days


30 Days

4 weeks & 2 days


31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days


30 Days

4 weeks & 2 days


31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days


31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days


30 Days

4 weeks & 2 days


31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days


30 Days

4 weeks & 2 days


31 Days

4 weeks & 3 days

What is the average number of weeks in a month?

A common year has 4.3452 weeks per month, on average.
Explanation: By calculating the average number of days monthly 365/12= 30.42 average number of days per month in a common year. And 30.42/7 = 4.3452 weeks per month.

A leap year has 4.3571 weeks per month, on average.
Explanation: By calculating the average number of days monthly 366/12= 30.5 average number of days per month in a leap year. And 30.5/7 = 4.3571 weeks per month.

How to calculate the monthly wage for weekly workers?

It is typical to use an average of 4.33 weeks per month when calculating salaries and payroll.

Monthly Wage = Weekly Wage x 4.33 (Weeks per month).

Find the difference between monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly pay periods.


3 months in weeks

3 months is equal to about 13 weeks.

4 months in weeks

4 months is equal to about 17.4 weeks.

5 months in weeks

5 months is equal to about 21.7 weeks.

How many weeks in 6 months?

In 6 months there are about 21.6 weeks.

How long is 24 weeks?

24 weeks is equal to about 5.52 months.

How long is 18 weeks in months?

18 weeks is equal to about 4.14 months.

How long is 14 weeks in months?

18 weeks is equal to about 3.22 months.

How many weeks in a year?
Current week number
Weeks calculator