PTO and Vacation Tracker

Are you wondering where you can find an accessible employee vacation tracker?
You just uncovered it! Here is the Excel document that allows you to check every employee's PTO at only one glance.

Features of the free Excel PTO and Vacation Tracker

  • Track employee PTO and sick leave;
  • Vacations/Holidays/Planned Leaves;
  • Configure leave types;
  • Unlimited number of employees;
  • Easy to follow;
  • Automatic calculation of the employee allowance.

What does PTO stand for?
Paid time off is the concept that defines the time employees spend away from work, during which they still receive compensation from the employer.

Going further, when HR practitioners talk about PTO, they refer to a particular HR policy. All paid time off is massed together into one category to increase efficiency on all company’s levels.

Therefore, PTO includes sick leave, vacation days, holidays, bereavement, parental leave, jury duty, military duty, etc.

The PTO policy has conquered more and more ground among small and medium companies nowadays. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages.

Tips for managing PTO

  • As the employer, you have to decide if a PTO policy is compatible with your company's mission, vision, and culture.
  • To create an effective PTO policy, you must adopt the rules and procedures to your organization
  • A PTO policy should have clear guidelines to serve both employees and the employer.
  • Create rules meant to prevent abuses: a sick employee’s place is not at work. Send him home, even if he wants to “keep” his PTO days.

PTO and Vacation Tracker Excel Template

By using our template, you are practically using a sick leave tracker, a holiday tracker, a vacation tracker, and other types of leave tracker - all in one! Track all leaves with just one Excel.

PTO Tracker Template

Google Sheets PTO and Vacation Tracker

If yes, make a copy of the Free PTO and Vacation Tracker for Google Sheets

The spreadsheet is dynamic, helping teams track vacation, sick, unpaid, and remote leaves.

The sheet includes the formulas for calculating the total leaves per employee.

Linked with the vacation tracker stands a dedicated sheet with public holidays.

Google Sheet PTO / Vacation Tracker


How do you keep track of employee time off?

As an HR professional, your role in choosing the right method to track employee time off is crucial. It directly affects the efficiency of HR operations and the overall employee experience. Here are several methods you can consider:

  • Manual spreadsheets: Create a dedicated PTO (Paid Time Off) tracker using a tool program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (or use the sheets we provided). Update it manually whenever employees request time off or take leave.
  • HR software or integrated systems: One of the most efficient ways to track employee time off is through HR software or integrated HR systems. These tools automate the process, allowing employees to request time off and managers or HR administrators to approve or deny requests. This automation ensures accurate data management and automatically updates the PTO balances, empowering managers and employees with a convenient and easy-to-use system.
  • Time and attendance software: Utilize time and attendance software that includes PTO tracking functionality. These systems often integrate with payroll and provide comprehensive time-off management.
  • Employee self-service portals: Implement an employee self-service portal (ESS) where employees can log in and request time off. ESS tools, which are web-based applications, facilitate repetitive work, ensure work, and provide accurate tracking.


How do you use a PTO tracker template?

To effectively use a PTO tracker template, follow these straightforward steps:

  • Download or create a PTO tracker template that suits your needs. Ensure it includes necessary fields such as employee names, PTO balances, requested dates, approved dates, and any other relevant information. Remember, these templates are flexible and can be easily customized to match your specific requirements, giving you the confidence to use them effectively.
  • Customize the template: Add your company's logo, format the spreadsheet to match your branding, and adjust column widths and formatting for clarity.
  • Enter employee information: Input employee names and their PTO balances at the beginning of the tracking period.
  • Track PTO usage: Whenever an employee requests time off, enter the requested dates in the appropriate columns and mark them as pending. Once approved, update the tracker with the approved dates and deduct the PTO hours or days from the employee's balance.
  • Maintaining accuracy in your PTO tracker is essential. Regularly reviewing and updating the tracker to reflect changes in PTO balances, new requests, approvals, denials, or any other relevant updates is a must. This practice prevents scheduling conflicts and ensures fair distribution of time off.


How to choose a digital PTO tracker?

When choosing a digital PTO tracker, consider the following advantages:

  • Features: Evaluate the features offered by different PTO tracking tools. Look for features such as PTO request management, automatic accrual calculations, approvals workflows, reporting capabilities (for example, generating reports on PTO usage by department or individual), and integrations with other HR or payroll systems.
  • User-friendliness: Choose a tool that is intuitive and easy to use for both employees and administrators. Always go for simple UI interfaces to facilitate adoption among your coworkers.
  • Scalability: Consider the tool's scalability. Ensure it can handle the number of employees in your organization and accommodate future growth.
  • Integration capabilities: If you already use HR, payroll, or time-tracking software, look for a PTO tracker that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems. This integration streamlines processes, eliminates duplicate data entry (for example, with the help of single-sign-on), and improves accuracy.
  • Security and compliance: Ensure the PTO tracker follows standard data protection practices, such as encryption of sensitive data, regular data backups, and user access controls, to protect sensitive employee information.Customer support: Review the effectiveness of customer support provided by the PTO tracker vendor. Responsive and knowledgeable support will help with the initial onboarding, account setup, or day-to-day usage.
  • Cost: Consider the pricing structure and affordability of the PTO tracker solution, including any ongoing fees, licensing, or subscription costs.

What are the pros and cons of a PTO tracker spreadsheet?

Using a spreadsheet as a PTO tracker has both pros and cons:


  • Cost-effective: Spreadsheets are often readily available and do not require additional financial investment.
  • Customizability: Spreadsheets can be tailored to meet specific tracking requirements and can accommodate various formulas and calculations.
  • Familiarity: Many employees and HR professionals are familiar with spreadsheet applications, making them easy to adopt and use.
  • Offline access: Spreadsheets can be accessed and updated offline, which can be beneficial when internet connectivity is limited.


  • Manual updating: Spreadsheets require manual data input and constant updates from you staff. Such practices can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Limited automation: Spreadsheets need more automation capabilities of dedicated HR software or integrated systems, requiring more effort to track and manage PTO.
  • Version control: When multiple individuals access the spreadsheet, it can lead to version control issues, with the potential for conflicting or overwritten data.
  • Limited collaboration: Spreadsheets may not offer robust collaboration features, making it challenging to efficiently manage PTO requests and approvals.
  • Lack of real-time data: Spreadsheets do not provide real-time visibility into PTO balances or availability, potentially leading to scheduling conflicts or inaccurate information.

Examining these benefits and disadvantages and considering your organization's unique needs, size, and resources is essential when determining whether a spreadsheet-based PTO tracker is appropriate or if a dedicated digital solution would be more advantageous.


How to create a PTO tracker in Excel?

By following these steps, you can create a PTO tracker in Excel that allows you to efficiently track and manage employee time off within your organization.  

  1. Open Excel: Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.
  2. Create a new workbook: Click on "File" in the top left corner and select "New" to create a new workbook.
  3. Set up the worksheet: Rename the first sheet as "PTO Tracker" or any other relevant name by double-clicking on the sheet tab at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Define column headers: In the first row of the worksheet, enter the following column headers: "Employee Name," "PTO Balance," "Requested Dates," "Approved Dates," and any other relevant columns you may need.
  5. Enter employee information: In the "Employee Name" column, list the names of all employees who are eligible for PTO. In the "PTO Balance" column, input the starting PTO balance for each employee based on your company's policy.
  6. Track PTO requests: When an employee requests time off, enter their name in the "Employee Name" column. In the "Requested Dates" column, enter the dates they are requesting for PTO.
  7. Manage approvals: In the "Approved Dates" column, note the approved dates for each employee's PTO request. You can use a specific format or enter the dates.
  8. Calculate PTO balance: In the "PTO Balance" column, deduct the number of PTO days requested and approved for each employee from their starting PTO balance. You can use a formula like "=Starting Balance - Approved Days" to calculate the updated balance.
  9. Apply formatting: Format the PTO balance column as a number or currency to make it easier to read. You can also use conditional formatting to highlight low PTO balances or other relevant conditions.
  10. Customize the tracker: You can customize the worksheet based on your company's specific needs. For example, you can add columns to track PTO reasons, comments, or other relevant information.
  11. Save and protect the workbook: Save the Excel workbook and consider protecting the PTO tracker sheet to prevent accidental changes. You can do this by right-clicking on the sheet tab, selecting "Protect Sheet," and setting a password if necessary.
  12. Maintain and update the tracker: Regularly update the PTO tracker by adding new employee information, recording PTO requests, and adjusting PTO balances. Ensure the tracker reflects the latest information accurately.

Tip: Regularly review and update the tracker to ensure accuracy and reflect any changes in employee PTO balances or approvals. If you believe that making a PTO template is too laborious, you can use the above templates.