Converting a 24-hour time to 12-hour time is pretty simple using a calculator. Simply add your time in 24 hour format, for example 18:30 and the convertor will provide the result in 12 hour standard time. If you click on the swap, you can use the calculator to convert from 12 hour time to 24 hour time instantly.
There are simply two main methods of displaying time. The 12 hour clock uses AM and PM, then the 24 hour clock. Let's find the differences between both of them, and how to calculate or convert them.
24 hour clock time now | 12 hour clock time now |
The day is divided into two 12-hour periods:
The acronyms AM and PM come from Latin:
The day spans from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours, numbered from 0 to 23. Time is displayed in hours and minutes since midnight.
Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. Use the conversion image provided as a visual guide to familiarize yourself with the 12 vs. 24-hour time concept. This tool will support your learning and help you master the conversion process.
Converting AM/PM to 24-hour clock
Converting 24 hour clock to AM/PM
The 24-hour time system is similar to standard AM/PM time, with the exception that you continue counting up after 12 PM (noon). So, in 24-hour format, 1 PM equals 13:00, 2 PM equals 14:00, etc. To convert to 24-hour format, simply add 12 to any PM time.
Here is a side-by-side comparison of the 24-Hour Clock and a Standard 12-hour AM/PM:
12 hour am/pm | 24-hour |
12am (midnight) | 00:00 |
1am | 01:00 |
2am | 02:00 |
3am | 03:00 |
4am | 04:00 |
5am | 05:00 |
6am | 06:00 |
7am | 07:00 |
8am | 08:00 |
9am | 09:00 |
10am | 10:00 |
11am | 11:00 |
12pm (noon) | 12:00 |
1pm | 13:00 |
2pm | 14:00 |
3pm | 15:00 |
4pm | 16:00 |
5pm | 17:00 |
6pm | 18:00 |
7pm | 19:00 |
8pm | 20:00 |
9pm | 21:00 |
10pm | 22:00 |
11pm | 23:00 |
12am | 24:00 |
12 hour am/pm | 24 hour |
In case you want to download a time conversion chart, we do provide a PDF version free of charge.
Download the 24 Hour Conversion ChartNote: "12 AM" and "12 PM" can cause confusion, so we prefer "12 Midnight" and "12 Noon".
The 24-hour time clock system is the most used in the world, especially in Europe and is the international standard notation of time. (ISO 8601).
In the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, the 12-hour AM/PM format is still more commonly used. In these countries, the 24-hour format is sometimes referred to as 'Military time'.
Should "AM" be "ante meridiem" or "ante meridian" (likewise for PM)?
The official (according to an American, Australian, and British dictionary) and most common spelling for AM is "ante meridiem," a Latin phrase.
But people sometimes use the phrase "ante meridian" (a "meridian" in this case refers to an imaginary line in the sky when the sun is at its highest point).
Learn about AM PM full form.
The 24-hour time format is usually used in transportation, medical, and military industries to avoid confusion. The 24-hour clock is also called railway/railroad time, military time, and continental time.
In case you need to make more complex calculations, use our hours calculator.
You might be looking for such 12 to 24 hour conversion because you might want to schedule a call with someone from a different part of the world. And this calculator will help. Yet, there are some additional aspects that you need to consider aside of the time format.