ARA is a powerful Human resource software to ensure flexibility while facilitating process automation and simplifying administration.
Managers, Admins, and UsersIn terms of permissions, the time management app ensures a differentiation among various types of users. No more spreadsheets with full access to everyone.
ApprovalsSetup your approval workflows to match your internal policies. Set up one or multiple approvers.
Alerts and email notificationsYou receive an email notification when your summer vacation request is approved and also when your timesheet is rejected, or you forgot to provide mandatory HR data in your profile.
PoliciesYou can set up absence policies, staff working hours, time tracking rules, and much more.
Audit trailIf you need to see when a job position was changed, or when a leave request was rejected. No problems. There is the possibility to track when a specific setting has been made.
Custom access rightsIf you need to provide some extra access to a particular manager or HR staff. With ARA, it’s now possible.