HR Guides

We are putting together essential knowledge from the field of human resources and workforce time management.

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Time Tracking Resources

What is a timesheet?

Whether you are a freelancer, you work in a small/ medium-sized company, or a large corporation, you are most likely always looking for innovative ways of measuring your effort spent vs. the compensation received. Timesheets are one of the most effective ways to do so and much more. Find out why.

Excel Your Time Tracking Skills With a Work Hours Tracking App

A business must know how to keep track of your employees' working hours if you want a productive and organized environment. Having inaccurate data about worked hours will always cost you money, and it's essential to avoid it.

Build an Excel Timesheet Template

How to create a Excel Timesheet Template

Are you interested to learn new Excel formulas and work with time?


On this guide, you find everything you need to know to create and use an Excel timesheet. We’ve put together not only the technical Excel part but also the logic behind a timesheet. This comprehensive guide teaches you to track employee work hours, breaks, and vacations, to keep everything in order, and to calculate payrolls.

Employee management

Team development phases

Team development is a complex process where the leaders can easily find a balance between their needs and the projects goals. Understanding the five stages of team development forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning by Bruce Tuckman gives you an edge in managing your team successfully.

Insights on Human Resources

Performance reviews

A performance review is the assignment that troubles both managers and employees. Managers struggle to find a balance between the good points and the ones that need improvement in every employee's work. And employees feel they are being put in the spotlight and if the feedback is negative, they even start to worry about their job. We live in the era of communication, so if the manager identifies the correct ways to review performance, all the stress caused by these two words goes away.
This guide will help you clarify what a performance review is, what are the benefits of conducting it and most importantly, we want to show you how to do it, in order to obtain the best results..

How to write the perfect self-assessment


Discover 6 self-assessment tips and phrase examples to showcase your strengths, sound confident and move up in the long run.
The guide provides a series of phrases that you can use directly in your performance appraisal.

Team Building Activities

Awesome Team Building Activities for Employees

Prepare to challenge your team with these great games they can't resist. Fun team building activities and ideas for happy employees!
Learn how to make your team stronger, more dynamic, more engaging and productive. We provide the details on how to organize 16 team building games to bring your team closer.


Exit Interviews

How To Conduct An Effective Exit Interview? An Essential Guide Featuring Key Questions and Ready to Use Free Exit Interview Templates.

Employee offboarding

When it comes to hiring and greeting new employees, every company gives its best to make them feel welcome and to show them from the first days that they made the right choice. So onboarding gets a lot of attention. Why? Because we all know first impressions are crucial and new hires should get all the possible attention.


The Five Steps Action Plan for Improving Productivity at Work in 2025

How to Increase Productivity at Work? 1. Focus. 2. Personalize work schedule. 3. Communicate often. 4. Develop time-management skills. 5. Work as a team. Learn more

Human resources

Employee abseenteism

Learn how to deal with Employee absenteeism. What are the causes and what you can do to reduce it. Two warning letters that you can use for free.

HR General

20 Excel Formulas


Excel formulas
10+ Free Personality Tests

Top Free Personality And Career Tests: 1. Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator - MTBI, 2. Big Five Personality Test, 3. Enneagram Personality Test, 4. DiSC Personality Test, 5. Holland Code, 6. Clifton Strengths, 7. CarrerExplorer by Sokanu, 8. True Colors Personality Test, 9. HEXACO

Free Personality and Career Tests
How to Write an Executive Summary Professionally (with Free Template and Example)

An executive summary is a high-level overview of a business or project plan. It summarizes all the vital information in the document and briefly presents everything the reader needs to know about the project, proposal, or study. Get our free template, and get inspired example.

Executive Summary Example
What Are OKR? Definition, History, Key Benefits, and Examples

OKR (acronym for Objectives and Key Results) is an effective goal-setting and leadership tool that helps you and your team establish goals with measurable results.

OKR Meaning
How to Write Standard Operating Procedures? Template and Example provided.

SOP stands for Standard Operation Procedure and refers to any specific procedure describing how an activity must be done for the business to comply with legislation, industry standards, regulations, or the organization culture.

Written Warning

A written letter is a formal document issued by an employer designed to notify the employee about any shortcomings, misconduct, poor performance, or company policy violation.

Written Warning

Time Management

10 Time Management Books That Will Change Your Life

Top 10 time management books include: 1. Getting Things Done, 2.The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 3. Eat That Frog, 4. Atomic Habits, 5. Deep Work, 6. The One Thing, 7. The 80/20 Principle, 8. 168 Hours, 9. Essentialism, 10. The 4-Hour Workweek. Discover the key takeaways from each book, and how we arrived to this list.

Best Time Management Books
Ultimate Guide to Time Blocking: Types, Benefits, and Tips

Time blocking is a time management method supporting professionals to plan their day by dividing it into specific blocks. Each of your tasks has a dedicated time to start and finish. Learn how to use this method, and implement such sheduling in your daily life.

Time Blocking
How to Calculate Time in Excel?

Here are the steps to calculate the time difference: 1. Enter the start time into cell A2. 2. Enter the ending time in cell B2. 3. Enter the formula =B2-A2 into cell C2. Find 7 additional ways to calculate time in Excel.

How to calculate time in Excel
Part-Time and Full-Time Hours: Key Benefits and Main Contrasts

While there is no legal distinction between part-time and full-time employment, most part-timers put in 35 hours or less weekly, while full-time hires work an average 40 hours.

Part-Time and Full-Time Hours
How to Convert Minutes to Decimal Hours?

To calculate minutes into decimal hours, divide the amount of minutes by 60. For example, if you have 30 minutes, divide them by 60 to get 0.5.

Minutes to Decimal Hours
Time calculator

The time-duration calculator provides the details regardign the time elapsed from the start time to the end time in hours and minutes in two formats.

Time calculator
Date calculator

A simple calculator to help you count the durration between two dates instantly. Use the days calculator today to calculate the number of days.

Days calculator
Google Sheets Schedule Templates (with Free Professional Examples to Download)

Download free weekly employee schedule, weekly work shedule, monthly and daily Google Sheets schedule templates for professional use.

Google Sheets Schedule Templates
Current day number

Find what day of the year is it.

Current day number
Current week number

Find what week of the year is it.

Current week number
How Many Pay Periods Are in a Year?

The number of paychecks per year is as follows: • Weekly: 52 pay periods per year • Biweekly: 26 pay periods per year • Semimonthly: 24 pay periods per year • Monthly: 12 pay periods per year.

How Many Pay Periods Are in a Year
What is the difference between gross and net pay?

Gross pay is the entire amount an employee makes before taxes and deductions; net pay is the amount the employee receives after such deductions.

What is the difference between gross and net pay
How Long Is A Business Day?

A business day is a typical working day within the business week usually Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding weekends and public holidays. The specifics may vary across different countries and regions.

What are business days?
How do you calculate the salary per hour?

Calculating the salary per hour is easy. Just multiply the weekly hours by the total number of work weeks a year. For instance, a 40-hour work week multiplied by 52 weeks in a year equals 2080 hours. Then divide the annual salary by the total number of hours worked annually.

Calculate the salary per hour
How To Calculate Hours Worked?

1: Record start and end time. 2: Convert to military time. 3: Convert minutes to decimal. 4. Subtract the start time from the end time. Step 5: Subtract unpaid breaks.

How To Calculate Hours Worked
How To Calculate Hours Worked in Excel?

To calculate hours worked in Excel, you can use formulas and functions to perform the necessary calculations. Here is our guide: 1: Enter the Start Time and End Time, 2. Calculate the Difference in Hours, 3. Format the Cells as Time, 4. Calculate the Total Hours Worked weekly.

How To Calculate Hours Worked in Excel
Salary vs. Hourly Rate: Definitions and Differences

A salary is a fixed sum of money that is paid regardless of how many hours you work. Employees who receive a salary are not eligible for overtime compensation. Hourly compensation is the rate paid for each hour of work..

Salary vs. Hourly Pay
Bi-weekly vs. Semi-Monthly Pay Periods

The difference between a bi-weekly and a semi-monthly payroll is that the first one is paid 26 times yearly (every 2 weeks), while the other is paid 24 times per year.

Bi-weekly vs Semi-monthly pay
Five Steps To Calculate Time Cards Manually (Examples included)

Step 1: Convert the time entries to 24-hour format • Step 2: Converting the minutes into decimal format • Step 3: Deduct the start time from the end time • Step 4: Sum the results from both shifts • Step 5: Calculate the hours worked for each workday in the pay period

How To Calculate Time Cards Manually
How Many Days in A Year?

There are 365 days in a common year. However, a leap year occurs approximately every four years, adding an extra day, totaling 366 days. The additional day is added to the month of February. In 2025 there are 366 days.

How Many Days in A Year?
How Many Weeks in A Year?

A year has 52 weeks plus 1 day. 365 days divided by 7 = 52.142 weeks. A leap year like 2025 has 52 weeks plus 2 days. 366 days divided by 7 = 52.285 weeks.

How Many Weeks in A Year?
How Many Days Are Left In The Year?

Find the days left in 2025 by caclulating the difference from today till the end of the year or December 31 in days. How many days are remaining in this year.

Days Left
Days Ago Calculator

If you want to know what date was 30, 60, or 90 days ago from today. We have the answers.

How Many Days Ago Was?
How many weeks in a month?

Every month has at least four complete weeks plus one, two, or three days extra. On average, 1 month = 4 weeks and 2 days. Find out how many weeks and days each month of the year has.

Weeks in a month
Months of the Year

Find essential details on the 12 months of the year including: the months in order, days in each month, curent month number, and other essential details to help you handle months calculations.

How Many Hours in a Month?

There are 24 hours in a day, and the number of hours in a month can vary depending on the specific month. On average, a month is considered to have approximately 30.44 days, translating to approximately 730.56 hours in a month.

Hours in a month
How Many Work Weeks in a Year?

A year has 52 work weeks. However, this number can be reduced based on holidays and other factors such as paid time off one employee might benefit to about 48 work weeks.

Work weeks in a year
How Many Weekends in a Year?

In a standard 52-week calendar year, there are usually 104 weekends. This is because weekends consist of Saturdays and Sundays, and there are typically 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays in a year.

Weekends in a Year
What Does AM And PM Stand For?

AM stands for the period from midnight (12:00 AM) to just before noon (11:59 AM). It represents the morning hours. PM stands for the time period from noon (12:00 PM) to just before midnight (11:59 PM), representing the afternoon and evening hours.

AM And PM Full Form
How Many Work Hours in a Year?

On average, full-time employees work 2080 working hours/ year (40 working hours per week x 52 weeks per year).

Work Hours in a Year
Time and a Half: What Is It and How To Calculate It?

Time and a half is the minimum rate you must pay your eligible employees for every hour they work above the required 40-hour week. For example to calculate time and a half pay for $20 an hour: $20 x 1.5 = $30.

Time and a Half
EST Time

What is the Eastern Standard Time time in minutes and seconds? We provide the info you need for better planning of your next meetings.

EST Time
Days Ago Calculator

If you want to know what date was 30, 60, or 90 days ago from today. We have the answers.

30 / 60 / 90 Days Ago
Days From Today

If you want to calculate the exact date 14, 28, 30, or 90 days from today we help you, we provide the right answer.

30 / 60 / 90 Days From Today
Today's Date

What is today date? Which day and date is it today? Find out the date of today toghether with essential details of the day, week, month of the year.

Todays date
What time is it?

What is the current local time in minutes and seconds? Check the live clock to find the correct, exact clock time.

Current time
How Many Weeks Left in the Year?

Find the weeks left in 2025 by calculating the difference from today till the end of the year. How many weeks are remaining in this year.

Weeks left in the year
How Many Hours in a Year?

There are 8,760 hours in a standard year. A standard year has 365 days, and each day has 24 hours. So, by multiplying 365 days with 24 hours/day we get 8,760 hours.

Hours in a Year
Leap Years

A leap year has 366 days rather than the usual 365 days. This extra day is added to the month of February, making it a 29-day month instead of the usual 28 days. 2025 is a leap year. Next leap year is 2028.

Leap year
What is Full-Time Equivalent? Definition, Formula, and Examples

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is a metric that indicates the number of hours a full-time employee works for a company. Typically 1 FTE = 40 hours per week. Learn how to calculate in your business context.

Full-Time Equivalent
All About Shift Work

If you are a business owner who organizes shift work, you should be familiar with the various types of shifts and how to best arrange your workers. Learn the differences between first, second and 3rd shifts.

Shift work
Day counter

The day counter allows you to easily calculate the number of days between two dates. It instantly answers how many days are left until a project deadline, a specific event, or an important milestone, for example, a 90-day meditation or fitness goal.

Day counter
United States Time Zones

Time zones and current times for the United States. Key details including the 9 timezones and details on daylight saving time.

US Time Zones
Europe Time Zones

Time zones and current times within Europe. Key details including the major timezones wihin the European Union and beyond. You can also find the essential details within the European Summer Time starts and end, for each timezone.

EU Time Zones
Canada Time Zones

Time zones and current times within Canada. Key details including the major timezones wihin the Canada regions, UTC times, a timezome map, and info about the time for the major cities.

Canada Time
Australia Time Zones

Time zones and current times for the Australia. Key details including the 9 timezones, details on daylight saving time and respective offsets for different territories.

Australia Time
Project management
The Beginners Guide To Project Management In 2025

Project management represents the application of specialized expertise, techniques, tools, and skills to bring about the delivery of a valuable outcome or product to individuals or groups. Learn more about it.

Project Management
What is a stakeholder?

A stakeholder is any person connected with a project or business interested in the collaboration success.

What Exactly Are Project Managers and What Do They Do?

A project manager plans organizes, and supervises the entire project, following the four phases of project management: initiating, planning, executing, and closing. Each phase has challenges translating into specific tasks and responsibilities for the project manager (PM). Discover the responsibilities per each project phase.

Project Managers
Project Management Lifecycle Phases

Discover the four phases of the project management lifecycle: initiating, planning, executing, and closing. For each phase, we expand within the concrete steps to take and recommend valuable tools and documents to make your project tracking, management, and planning easier. Learn more today.

Project Management Lifecycle Phases
Project Planning

A project plan is a document that thoroughly defines the execution of a project. Discover how to write one from A to Z, and if you need, download our project planning template freely.

Project Planning
Project Management Methodologies

The Top 10 PM Methodologies Include: 1. Waterfall 2. Agile 3. Scrum 4. Kanban 5. Lean 6. Scrumban 7. PRINCE2 8. Six Sigma 9. Critical Path Method 10. Critical Chain Project Management. Find the details.

Project Management Methodologies
Project Manager Job Description

A project manager is a professional responsible for planning, executing, and completing projects. Find out our job description that you can copy-paste and use whenever you need a new PM.

Project Manager Job Description